song writer是很重要的, 如果全世界一個寫歌者都沒有的話,
所有音樂產業的人, 包括所有的唱片公司, 某些從不寫歌的製作人, 經紀公司 全部都得去喝西北風.
所有的song writer都是很有價值的

一直覺得, 創作者應該懂得疼惜自己, 多尊重自己一點.
有些事可以說YES, 有些事必須說NO.

yes, part of the professionalism is KNOWING YOUR LEGAL RIGHT

除非我們自己同意, 不然沒有人可以把我們的價值矮化.
跟過去舔決策者的懶趴 (對不起, 我好粗俗><)

如果連你自己都不尊重自己, 那別人不尊重你也不會只是剛好而已



                  A Bill of Rights for Songwriters and Composers

We have the right to be compensated for the use of our creative works, and share in the revenues that they generate.

2.We have the right to license our works and control the ways in which they are used.

3.We have the right to withhold permission for uses of our works on artistic, economic or philosophical grounds.

4.We have the right to protect our creative works to the fullest extent of the law from all forms of piracy, theft and unauthorized use, which deprive us of our right to earn a living based on our creativity.

5.We have the right to choose when and where our creative works may be used for free.

6.We have the right to develop, document and distribute our works through new media channels - while retaining the right to a share in all associated profits.

7.We have the right to choose the organizations we want to represent us and to join our voices together to protect our rights and negotiate for the value of our music.

8.We have the right to earn compensation from all types of "performances," including direct, live renditions as well as indirect recordings, broadcasts, digital streams and more.

9.We have the right to decline participation in business models that require us to relinquish all or part of our creative rights - or which do not respect our right to be compensated for our work.

10.We have the right to advocate for strong laws protecting our creative works, and demand that our government vigorously uphold and protect our rights.

Dee Chen老師網誌


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